Educational Institution listing
July 03, 2019, at 11:01 AM (1 comments)
Title: Educational Institution listing Author: mgarcia Date: 2019-07-03 19:01 +1000 Tags: Community, Education Comments: Open
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Listing of educational institution provided by Sony, which taught Net Yaroze.
United Kingdom
Middlesex University, London, UK
Education- Middlesex University
Institution: Middlesex University, London, UK WORK AND PLAYSTATION AT MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITY! In the first venture of its kind in Europe, Middlesex University's School of Computing is setting up a new computer games programming laboratory using the programmable computer games console "Net Yaroze", by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Middlesex University already enjoys a high reputation in computer graphics education both through its School of Computing, based at Bounds Green, and its Centre of Electronic Arts at Cat Hill. New computing facilities are also currently being constructed at the university's Trent Park Campus. Dr Peter Passmore, Programme Leader for Graphics in the School of Computing commented: "The games industry is big business at the moment. Annual retail sales in the Global Leisure Market have been forecast to exceed £20 billion by 1998. As many of our students go on to work in the computer entertainment industry they will benefit from having console programming experience as part of a complete education in computer graphics." Further information ...... Dr Peter Passmore School of Computing Science Middlesex University Bounds Green Lane London N11 2NQ Telephone: +44 (0) 181-632 5000
Middlesex University, London, UK, (Short Courses)
Middlesex's Short Courses information.
University of the West of England, Bristol, UK
Institution: University of the West of England, Bristol, UK Net Yaroze will be used within the final year module of a course "Multimedia Technology: Theory and Applications" as a demonstration of graphics capabilities. In essence the course will be quite mathematical but the applications will make it more concrete for the students. The main use of Net Yaroze and PlayStation technology will be in research, primarily in visualising the behaviours of an intelligent walking robot in simulation. For more information ........ Mark Randall Faculty of Engineering University of the West of England - Bristol Intelligent Autonomous Systems Lab Frenchay Campus Cold Harbour Lane Bristol BS16 1QY
Derby University, Derby, UK
Institution: Derby University, Derby, UK The last three years has seen the age of computer graphics for consumers arrive with a bang. Although led by the games industry and a host of multimedia titles the academic world has shown little interest in their needs. In recognition of this fact the School of Maths and computing at the University of Derby is producing programmes to suit the needs of the digital media companies. Having successfully launched MSc and undergraduate programmes in Visualisation, the school is to offer further Post-graduate, Undergraduate and BTEC programmes in Creative Computing, Multimedia and Computer Graphics topics aimed at students who wish to enter the world of computer entertainment and media. The school enjoys sponsorship from Datapath Ltd with their Realimation Virtual Reality world developer kit. Other facilities include the Sony Net Yaroze games suit for PlayStation Developers, 3DS Max, Superscape, Authorware and extensive new laboratory resources. For further information...... Speak to Dave Cook Telephone: +44 (0) 1332 622222 E-mail: D.E.Cook@derby.ac.uk
WWW: http://www.bournemouth.ac.uk
Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, UK
Institution: Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, UK In the academic year 1997/8, Bournemouth University started a new programme of digital media postgraduate degrees consisting of a MA/MSc in Computer Animation, Digital Special Effects, and Digital Entertainment Systems. Over a period of one year 54 students will study a wide range of topics that include computer graphics, computer animation , digital cinematography, mathematics, programming, and group / individual projects. During their studies they will be exposed to the very latest software tools and hardware platforms. They will also attend master classes presented by the UK's top digital media professionals. Bournemouth University are very pleased that students will have access to 10 Net Yaroze systems that will enable students to design computer games using the very latest technology from Sony Computer Entertainment. As many students eventually find employment in the computer games sector, knowledge of Net Yaroze will be an added bonus to this year's student cohort. For further information .... John Vince School of Media Artist & Communication Bournemouth University Talbot Campus Fern Barrow Poole Dorset BH12 5BB Telephone: +44 (0) 1202 595 345
St Helens College, Merseyside, UK
Institution: St Helens College, Merseyside For further information please contact ... Mr Nader Mahamy St Helens College Brook Street St Helens Merseyside WA10 1PZ Telephone: 01744 623 034 Fax: 01744 623 402 e-mail: nmahamy@sthelens.mernet.org.uk
University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
Institution: University of Southampton, Southampton, UK For further information, please contact .... Dr John Carter Electronics & Computer Science University of Southampton Southampton Hants Telephone: +44 (0) 1703 592 405 E-mail: jnc@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK
Institution: Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool For further information, please contact .... Professor Peter Fowler Professor of Learning Technology Learning Methods Unit Liverpool John Moores University 98 Mount Pleasant Liverpool Merseyside Telephone: +44 (0) 151 231 3661 Fax: +44 (0) 151 707 2399 E-mail: p.fowler@livim.ac.uk
University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK
Institution: University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK A Degree of Interaction with the New Media Industry Many small New Media companies turn cannon fodder as a result of the diverse range of skills required to succeed in the multimedia development industry. The BSc (Hons) MediaLab Arts degree course at the University of Plymouth aims to address this with its strong industry links and well balanced programme of study in fields from Interactive Art & Design and New Media Theory through to more 'hardcore' computing subject areas such as Artificial Intelligence and Human Computer Interaction. These industry links include course sponsorship by Macromedia and a third year Industrial Placement. As a result of the placement year, the course now has a relationship with Sony Entertainment Europe amongst a long and distinguished list of companies who have lapped up some 63 students for the 1997/98 academic year. A recent addition to the highly skilled teaching team, of Mike Phillips, Dan Livingstone and Chris Speed, is Mic Cady who arrives from his Dorling Kindersley role as On-line Producer, managing the DK Web site design team. HHHhhhhHe now acts as both a teacher and as industry liaison. Looking to the future of computer art, the course's latest coup is to have persuaded one of the world's leading exponents of digital art, Professor Roy Ascott, the founder of the Centre of Advanced Enquiry into Interactive Arts (CAiiA), to join the course as visiting Professor. This has led to the evolution of a new research group known as CAiiA - STAR (Science, Technology and Arts Research) Examples of the type of output from the groups research activities include the recent exhibition at the Barbican, 'Serious Games' which featured Char Davies fully immersive virtual reality environment 'Osmose' and the Interactive installation work of Bill Seaman. A MSc in Networked Multimedia is also under development as well as constant organic growth of the well-established MediaLab Arts programme, including an exhibition at Milia '98 in Cannes. For more information ..... Mr D Livingstone University of Plymouth School Of Computing Room 205 Babbage Drake Circus Plymouth Devon PL4 8AA Tel: +44 (0) 1752 233324
University of Lincolnshire and Humberside, Hull, UK
Institution: University of Lincolnshire and Humberside, Hull, UK In academic year 1997/98 the School of Engineering and Information Technology recruited students to the first year of a new programme of five BSc (Hons) Computing degrees with specialisms in the areas of Internet technologies, multimedia and networking. The programme as a whole makes extensive use of Internet technologies including Java, HTML and network-based application development environments. One route leading to BSc (Hons) Computing (Games, Simulation and Virtual Reality) is supported by a cluster of Net Yaroze systems which form the principal platform for the introduction and development of the key themes of game and simulation design and implementation. For more information contact Caroline Hill at chill@humber.ac.uk or call +44 (0)1482 463355. For more information .... Caroline Hill School of Engineering & IT University of Lincolnshire & Humberside Cottingham Road Hull HU6 7RT Tel: +44 (0)1482 463355 E-mail: chill@humber.ac.uk
WWW: http://seit.humber.ac.uk/Staff/nparry/
Grimsby College, Grimsby, UK
Institution: Grimsby College, Grimsby, UK Grimsby College enjoys a national reputation for the quality of its Computer Aided Draughting and Design courses, which range from basic beginners to a Higher National Diploma (to be validated by the Institution of Engineering Design). The courses use some of the latest software and hardware platforms available including Virtual Reality, 3D animation, etc. The college is now developing a dedicated course in computer games design at HNC/HND level, using Net Yaroze, giving students hands on experience with one of the leading games systems. For more information ...... Mr L.K. Shaw Grimsby College Nuns Corner Grimsby North East Lincolnshire UK DN34 5 BQ Fax : +44 (0)1472 879924 Email : lshaw@net1.grimsby.ac.uk
The University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Wales
Institution: The University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Wales For further information, please contact .... Dr Christopher Price Senior Lecturer Dept of Computer Science The University of Wales Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 3DB Wales Telephone: +44 (0)1970 622 444 Fax: +44 (0)1970 622 455 E-mail: cjp@aber.ac.uk
University of Abertay Dundee, Scotland
Institution: University of Abertay Dundee, Scotland Japanese computer giant Sony PlayStation has given its support to the University's voyage into virtual reality innovation by providing the School of Computing with over £5,000 of games development equipment. After hearing about the new MSc and the proposed BSc courses through the extensive worldwide media coverage their launch received, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe contacted Abertay Dundee and offered 10 Net Yaroze kits, each worth £550, for free. Net Yaroze was launched by Sony Computer Entertainment last year as a development tool for potential PlayStation programmers. This innovation enables users to access a global club, at the heart of which is a Members only web site, where each Member has their own Home Page, receives technical support from a self supporting technical support forum, can discuss and exchange games ideas, can work on games for the PlayStation in partnership with fellow games enthusiasts around the world, fine-tuning their programming skills and learning from others as they do so. Dr Ian Marshall, head of the School of Computing, said: "Sony is very forward-thinking in its approach to higher education and is keen to develop links with educational establishments throughout the world - in some cases developing video game programming courses based on the Net Yaroze system. "We warmly thank Sony PlayStation's Net Yaroze for providing our students with this equipment, which will develop their programming skills and encourage them to work on projects in global partnerships, but will also enhance our aim to provide vocationally relevant courses using the very latest technology." Directly responding to demand from industry, the MSc in Software Engineering (Games and Virtual Environments) was launched last year and its first students were drawn from throughout the UK and further afield - with students from Malaysia, China, South Korea and Pakistan coming Dundee to study for this unique qualification. These 'students-of-tomorrow', whose careers could follow paths into games development or in virtual reality simulation, use up-to-the-minute equipment, some of which is not yet widely available in the UK, housed in the new £85,000 virtual laboratory. The MSc and planned BSc will be delivered by a team whose historical relationship with leading figures in the Scottish computer games industry and the world-wide virtual environments industry provides the inspiration for the course. The new course has been developed in close liaison with industry leaders such as DMA Design of Dundee, VirTech Software Ltd of Cupar, GEC Marconi of Donibristle and VIS Interactive plc of Dunfermline. Contact ... John Sutherland University Of Abertay Dundee School Of Computing Bell Street Dundee Scotland Tel: 01382 308600
Dundee College, Dundee, Scotland
Institution: Dundee College, Dundee, Scotland For further information, please contact .... Mr Grant Ritchie Team Leader Media Media & Communication Dundee College Constitution Road Dundee DD3 6TB Scotland Telephone: +44 (0) 1382 834 834 Fax: +44 (0) 1832 223 299
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Institution: Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland For further information, please contact .... Dr Steven Collins Trinity College Dublin Dublin D2 Ireland Telephone: +35 3 1 608 2896 Fax: +35 3 1 677 2204 E-mail: steven.collins@cs.tcd.ie
Senior College Ballyfermot, Dublin, Ireland
Institution: Senior College Ballyfermot, Dublin, Ireland The Senior College Ballyfermot recently acquired Net Yaroze systems for their Ludo Game Course. The Net Yaroze system will be used to teach students the fundamentals of graphics programming for computer games - 3D in particular. Due to simplified development environment, it is particularly suitable for students new to this area of software engineering. Students will now have a choice of producing their demos for the PC or the PlayStation. For more information ...... Mr Jerome Morrissey Principal Centre for Creative & Emerging Technologies 2nd Floor 19-22 Dame Street Dublin 2 Ireland Telephone: + 353 1 626 9421 Fax: + 353 1 626 9421
EPITA, Le Kremlin Bicetre, France
Institution: EPITA, Le Kremlin Bicetre, France For many a year, Epita the first computer engineering school in France, has been interested in the world of interactive games. Demanding powerful graphic ressources for its requirements, Epita has chosen Sonys' playstation development kits. In its various research labs, Epita develops and tests games that can be played in a shared environment, with local or remote multiplayer capacities. This research goes hand in hand with current gaming tendencies which directly involve Internet. Sony brings the solutions Epita needs. It answers the demands of a School like Epita, demands that imply an extremely high standard of quality. EPITA CHOISIT SONY Voila bien longtemps qu'EPITA, premiere ecole d'ingenieurs informaticiens de France, s'interesse a l'univers du jeu interactif. A la recherche d'une puissance de calcul plus importante pour l'environnement graphique, EPITA a choisi les kits de developpements pour PLAYSTATION de SONY. Dans le cadre de ses labos de recherche, EPITA elabore et teste des jeux, qui puissent s'adapter a un environnement distribue, faire intervenir plusieurs joueurs simultanement dans une meme partie, en local ou a distance. Cette problematique s'inscrit dans le developpement actuel des jeux en phase avec celui d'internet. SONY a apporte une reponse qui corresponde aux exigences d'un travail de qualite tel que celui que peut exiger une grande ecole comme EPITA. For further information, please contact .... Christophe Lambert EPITA/EPI/ISG/ISEG- Administrateur Systeme 14/16 rue Voltaire 94276 Le Kremlin Bicetre cedex France Telephone : +33 (0) 1 44 08 01 01 Fax : +33 (0) 1 44 08 01 95
Goteborg University, Gothenburg, Sweden
Institution: Goteborg University, Gothenburg, Sweden For further information, please contact Peter Ljungstrand Viktoria Reseach Institute Goteborg University Box 620 Gothenburg Sweden Telephone: + 46 31 773 5530 Fax: + 46 31 773 5530 E-mail: peter@informatics.gu.se
Link ping University, Sweden
Institution: Linköping University, Sweden The Computer and Information Science Department at Linköping University just invested in a Net Yaroze system. Initially we will be using the Net Yaroze in two courses. One course will focus on the cultural, business, social and legal aspects of the video game industry in general and PlayStation / Net Yaroze in particular. This course (Information and media science) will also study the Computer Mediated Collaborative aspects of the Net Yaroze site. Obviously students in the programme may also use the system for developing, but it is not the focus. The second course is an advanced Computer Graphics course at the Norrköping Campus. There the Net Yaroze will be presented as one of the projects available for the students. In this project the students will be required to develop, test and present a Net Yaroze implementation. In addition, the Net Yaroze will be offered for senior students' projects at the department. For further information, please contact .... Mr. Andreas Björklind Director of studies Department of computer and information science Linköping University S-581 83 Linköping Sweden Telephone + 46 13 28 19 69 Fax + 46 13 14 22 31 Cellular +46 705 40 63 83 E-mail abj@ida.liu.se
ACT Information & Business Processing College
Institution: ACT Information & Business Processing College Address ACT Information & Business Processing College "114-0013 1-4-4 Higashi-tabata Kita-ku Tokyo,Japan"
Institution: KATAYANAGI INSTITUTE NIPPON ENGINEERING COLLEGE Address KATAYANAGI INSTITUTE NIPPON ENGINEERING COLLEGE "23-22 NISHIKAMATA 5-CHOME OTA-KU TOKYO 144-8655 JAPAN" Telephone: + 81-42-574-0211 Fax: + 81-42-574-0184 email: yamaguchi@neec.ac.jp
Japan Electronics College
Institution: Japan Electronics College Address Japan Electronics College "1-25-4 Hyakunin-cho Shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8522 Japan" Telephone: + 81-3-3369-9333 email: inquiry@nippon-ec.ac.jp
Institution: HOKKAIDO COLLEGE OF HIGH-TECHNOLOGY Address HOKKAIDO COLLEGE OF HIGH-TECHNOLOGY "1-12-1 Megumino Kita, Eniwa City, Hokkaido, Japan" email: myoshi@hht.ac.jp
Accredite Corporate School KAMEI GAKUEN
Institution: Accredite Corporate School KAMEI GAKUEN Address Accredite Corporate School KAMEI GAKUEN "1-1-25 Osumi Higashiyodogawa-ku Osaka 533-0015 JAPAN" Telephone: + 81-3-329-6553 email: info@g.kamei.ac.jp
Shizuoka Institute Of Technology and Industry
Institution: Shizuoka Institute Of Technology and Industry Address Shizuoka Institute Of Technology and Industry "110-10, Miyamae-cho, Shizuoka City,Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, 420-8537" Telephone: + 81-8-54-261-8222 Fax: + 81-42-574-0184 email: sangi@mx.sangi.ac.jp
WWW: www.sangi.ac.jp
Kyoto Institute of Science and Technology
Institution: Kyoto Institute of Science and Technology Address Kyoto Institute of Science and Technology "Shiokojisagaru Horikawa-dori Shimogyoku Kyoto 600-8236 JAPAN" Telephone: + 81-75-371-4040 Fax: + 81-75-341-7599 email: hayashi@kits.ac.jp
Nagoya School Of Bussiness College
Institution: Nagoya School Of Bussiness College Address Nagoya School Of Bussiness College "5-1-3 Sakae Nakaku Nagoya-city Aichi pref. 460-0008 JAPAN" Telephone: + 81-52-261-2830 email: kikaku@nag.ac.jp
Meisei Institute of Cybernetics (MIC)
Institution: Meisei Institute of Cybernetics (MIC) Address Meisei Institute of Cybernetics (MIC) "4-2-1 Sinmatudo Matudo-Si Chiba Pref. Japan" Telephone: + 81-47-341-5888 Fax: + 81-47-346-4166 email: MIC@meisei-mic.ac.jp
Chuo Computer and Multimedia College
Institution: Chuo Computer and Multimedia College Address Chuo Computer and Multimedia College "2-33-10, Touhoku, Niiza-shi, Saitama-ken, 352-0001, Japan" Telephone: + 81-48-474-6651 email: ccc@ccmc.ac.jp
Shizuoka Electronic Information College
Institution: Shizuoka Electronic Information College Address Shizuoka Electronic Information College "4-25 Morishita-cho Shizuoka City 422-8061 Japan" Telephone: + 81-54-280-0173 email: fukui@can.ac.jp
Fukuoka Multimedia College
Institution: Fukuoka Multimedia College Address Fukuoka Multimedia College "4-3-7 Watanabedoori tyuuou-ku Fukuoka Fukuoka 810-0004 JAPAN" Telephone: + 81-92-726-3000 Fax: + 81-92-781-2550 email: kitahara@fmc.ac.jp
Kyoto Computer Gakuin
Institution: Kyoto Computer Gakuin Address Kyoto Computer Gakuin(Kyoto School of Computer Science) "(Head office) 7 TanakaMonzen-cho Sakyo-ku Kyoto-city,606-8225 JAPAN" Telephone: + 81-75-711-0161 Fax: + 81-75-722-2283 email: hello@kcg.ac.jp
Arisaka chuo academy chuo information of accounting
Institution: Arisaka chuo academy chuo information of accounting Address Arisaka chuo academy chuo information of accounting "1-49-4 furuichi-machi maebashi-city gunma-ken 371-0844 japan" Telephone: + 81-27-253-5544 email: honda@chuo.ac.jp
Institution: ANABUKI COLLEGE, FUKUYAMA Address ANABUKI COLLEGE, FUKUYAMA "2-3-6 Higashimachi Fukuyama, Hiroshima 720-0052 Japan" email: keigo@anabuki-net.ne.jp
Okayama Information College
Institution: Okayama Information College Address Okayama Information College "Fuji-Build. 6-30 Honmachi, Okayama-shi, Okayama-ken, Japan 700-0054" email: ishihara@oic-ok.ac.jp
Oosaka Computer Vocational Collegee
Institution: Oosaka Computer Vocational Collegee Address Oosaka Computer Vocational College "3-16 Minami-Ohgimachi Kitaku Osaka-shi 530-0052 JAPAN" Telephone: + 81-6-314-0261 Fax: + 81-6-313-1112 email: info@nishizawa.ac.jp
Kyoto Academy of International Culture
Institution: Kyoto Academy of International Culture Address Kyoto Academy of International Culture "24, Kamihatetyou, Sakyouku, Kyoto, 606 JAPAN" Telephone: + 81-75-722-9231 Fax: + 81-75-723-8094 email: yura@kaic.ac.jp
Higashi-nippon Vocational School
Institution: Higashi-nippon Vocational School Address Higashi-nippon Vocational School of Information Technology & Bookkeeping "1098-1 koyahara-machi, Maebashi-shi, Gumma-ken, 379-2184,Japan" email: honda@ns.yamasaki.ac.jp
Tokyo Music & Media Arts Shobi
Institution: Tokyo Music & Media Arts Shobi Address Tokyo Music & Media Arts Shobi "4-15-9, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan" Telephone: + 81-3-3814-8863 Fax: + 81-3-3814-9000 email: c-game@shobi.ac.jp
Institution: TOKYO TECHNICAL COLLEGE KUNITACHI CAMPUS Address TOKYO TECHNICAL COLLEGE KUNITACHI CAMPUS "1-15-5 Higashi, Kunitachi-city Tokyo 186-0002,Japan" Telephone: + 81-42-574-0211 Fax: + 81-42-574-0184 email: info@tera-house.ac.jp
Niigata College Of Art & Design
Institution: Niigata College Of Art & Design Address Niigata College Of Art & Design " 3-1-54 Yoneyama Niigata-City Japan 950-0916" Telephone: + 81-25-245-3381 Fax: + 81-25-246-3611 email: ncad@bsnnet.co.jp
Institution: NAGOYA KOUGAKUIN COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Address NAGOYA KOUGAKUIN COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY "4-7-21 Jingu , Atsutaku , Nagoya 456-0031 , JAPAN" email: info@denpa.ac.jp
Chiba University
Institution: Chiba University Address Chiba University (Faculty of Eng, Dept of Electronics and Mechanical Eng) "1-33 Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi, 263-8522 Japan" Telephone: + 81-43-251-1111 email: kato@syshp.tm.chiba-u.ac.jp
Institution: RENAISSANCE ACADEMY OF DESIGN Address RENAISSANCE ACADEMY OF DESIGN "130-12, Kitatamachi Hamamatsu, Shizuoka" email: rad@mail.yaramaika.ne.jp
Information Engineering University of the Ryukyus
Institution: Information Engineering University of the Ryukyus Address Faculty of Information Engineering University of the Ryukyus "Okinawa, Japan"" Telephone: + 81-98-895-87231 Fax: + 81-98-895-8723 email: kono@ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp
Niigata Joho Business College
Institution: Niigata Joho Business College Address Niigata Joho Business College "1-3-5 Akashi Niigata city , Niigata-ken 950-0084 JAPAN" Telephone: + 81-25-241-0133 email: kaneko@jbc.ac.jp
HAL Institute of Computer Technology
Institution: HAL Institute of Computer Technology Address HAL Institute of Computer Technology "1-10-3 Oyodonaka Kitaku Osaka, Japan 531-0076" email: Nakamoto@hal.ac.jp email: Terada@hal.ac.jp
Meijo University Department of Mathematics
Institution: Meijo University Department of Mathematics Address Meijo University Department of Mathematics "1-501 SHIOGAMAKUCHI, TEMPAKU-KU, NAGOYA, 468-8503 JAPAN" Telephone: + 81-52-832-1151 email: uchi@meijo-u.ac.jp
Business & Culture Vocational Collage EXCELLENCE
Institution: Business & Culture Vocational Collage EXCELLENCE Address Business & Culture Vocational Collage EXCELLENCE "4-15-1€Heiandori, kita-ku, Nagoya-shi Aichi-ken 462-8580 Japan"" email: kouhou@excellence.ac.jp
Osaka Designer's College
Institution: Osaka Designer's College Address Osaka Designer's College "2-3-20, Dojima kitaku, OSAKA, 530-0003, JAPAN" Telephone: + 81-42-574-0211 Fax: + 81-42-574-0184 email: nishimoto@odc.ac.jp
Utsunomiya Design & Electronics College
Institution: Utsunomiya Design & Electronics College Address Utsunomiya Design & Electronics College "1-9-15 Yoto Utsunomiya 321-0904 Japan" Telephone: + 81-28-662-4567 Fax: + 81-28-662-2131 email: info@de-c.ac.jp
Australia/New Zealand
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Institution: Queensland University of Technology, Australia Contact: Prof Jeff Jones Queensland University of Technology Victoria Park Road Kelvin Grove Queensland 4059 Australia Telephone: 00 1 61 7 3864 5693 Fax: 00 1 61 7 38645569 e-mail: ji.jones@gut.edu.au
University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
Institution: University of Wollongong, New South Wales Contact: Dr Peter Beadle University of Wollongong The Institute For Telecommunications Research Northfields Avenue Wollongong New South Wales Australia Telephone: + 61 42 21 3412 Fax: +61 42 21 3236 e-mail:beadle@elec
The Eastern Institute of Technology, Napier, New Zealand
Institution: The Eastern Institute of Technology, Napier, New Zealand In 1998 we will be offering Net Yaroze to secondary schools as STAR courses (Secondary Tertiary Alignment Resource) and as SHORT courses to the community - the full program is currently being finalised. As well as this, approx. seven Art students are looking at the graphics aspects as a major for their diplomas/degrees. These groups will be working on a project, adding their contribution to the whole package. For more information .... Denis Newport Telephone: + 64 (0) 6 844 8710 E-mail: dnewport@eit.ac.nz
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